Load spectra (Bruker format)

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Select multiple directories for direct loading of MALDI-TOF mass spectra in a Bruker specific data format

This function allows loading of spectral data files stored in a Bruker-specific data format. The function load spectra is available from the File menu bar and can be called also by using the shortcut key <Ctrl>+<L>. When pressing the button load the function is loading all spectra present in subdirectories of the selected directory structures.

Constraints: MicrobeMS version 0.78 and earlier will return error messages when spectra are found which were calibrated by the calibration methods linear corrected and cubic enhanced.

UPDATE MAY 2017 (MicrobeMS version 0.80 and later): The import filter for binary Bruker Daltonics spectra files has been revised and supports now also importing of MS data calibrated with the calibration function cubic enhanced.